26.09.2016 Feature Article

Research Review Of Cancer And Energy Medicine: The Case Of Using Energy Fields (Part 1)

Research Review Of Cancer And Energy Medicine: The Case Of Using Energy Fields Part 1
26.09.2016 LISTEN

I bring you one important article written by Dr. Mark Sircus, an active researcher and author in the field of natural medicine, or as he calls it “Natural Allopathic Medicine.”

Dr Sircus is part of the Scientific Advisory and Research Development team of the Da Vinci College of Holistic Medicine.

Dr. Mark Sircus, one of the most prolific writers in medicine, holds the honorary title of doctor of Oriental medicine and was one of the first nationally certified acupuncturists in the United States. He was trained in acupuncture and oriental medicine at the Institute of Traditional Medicine in Santa Fe, N.M., and in the School of Traditional Medicine of New England in Boston. He served at the Central Public Hospital of Pochutla, in Mexico.

For many years he has been researching into the human condition and into the causes of disease. His primary focus in recent years has been the study of environmental toxicity and iatrogenic diseases. He has written extensively on the poisons in the environment, in our foods, medicines and dental practices. Dr. Sircus is the director of the International Medical Veritas Association (IMVA), which is advocating radical changes in orthodox medicine.

His research and writings bring forth information that others wish to be hidden and he is without doubt “a flame of wonderful insight” and many are thankful for his wisdom and courage. Some people think him a genius in his own right and “his methods of attacking chronic disease beautiful and to the point.”

His work Natural Allopathic Medicine represents a revolution in medical thinking laying the groundwork for a future of medicine free from the poisonous rein of pharmaceutical companies. He envisions a future for medicine that is rational, effective and safe.

When one reads one of his numerous medical books one can see his discipline and regard for medical science. Though his works are heavily referenced to researchers and clinicians from around the globe the layperson finds little difficulty in understanding his presentation of medical topics.

Dr. Sircus has distilled many of the divergent medical systems and paradigms to an essence that provides a roadmap toward a unified medicine that can be practiced by allopath and non allopath alike. He sees the restoration of the Hippocratic spirit in medicine as vital for he feels that without heart, without love medicine will never serve humanity as it desperately needs to be served.

Tumor Treating Fields is the name given to low-intensity electrical fields emitted by a range of new medical devices. The FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) has approved subtle energy treatments for patients as an alternative to chemotherapy. The non-invasive treatment by Novocure uses "Tumor Treating Fields" (NovoTTF) to treat cancerous growths and is now available for adult patients with recurring brain tumors (recurrent glioblastoma or GBM). The treatment delivers electric fields to a patient utilizing a portable, wearable device that permits the patient to maintain normal daily activities without down time.

"Our device provides patients and physicians with a novel, non-invasive alternative to chemotherapy that is safe and effective," said Eilon Kirson, M.D., Ph.D., Novocure’s Chief Medical Officer. "The device allows for continuous treatment without the usual, debilitating side effects that chemotherapies inflict on recurrent GBM patients and indirectly on their families."

The portable device, which weighs about six pounds (three kg), is used continuously throughout the day by the patient. Tests indicate that the device can slow and reverse tumor growth by inhibiting mitosis, the process by which cancerous cells divide and replicate. The NovoTTF treatment involves placing pads onto the patient’s skin that creates a low intensity and alternating electric field within the tumor.

Electromagnetic therapy involves the use of electromagnetic energy to diagnose or treat disease. Alternative medicine providers may offer low-voltage electricity, magnetic fields, radio waves, or other types of electromagnetic energy generated by electric current for this purpose. In physics, electromagnetic energy includes electricity, microwaves, radio waves, ionizing radiation, and infrared rays, as well as electrically generated magnetic fields. Light is also a form of electromagnetic energy.

In trials of patients with advanced liver cancer, this type of therapy – given three times a day – resulted in long-term survival for a small number of those monitored, a team has reported in the British Journal of Cancer. Their tumors shrank, while healthy cells in surrounding tissue were unaffected. "This is a truly novel technique," said the team’s leader, Professor Boris Pasche of the University of Alabama, Birmingham. "It is innocuous, can be tolerated for long periods of time, and could be used in combination with other therapies."

In 2009, Pasche and his colleagues published results in the Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cancer Research which showed that low-level electromagnetic fields at precise frequencies – ranging from 0.1Hz to 114kHz – halted cancer cell growth. Different cancers responded to electromagnetic fields of different frequencies. "This is extremely exciting," said Pasche. "We think the technique could also be used to treat breast tumours and possibly other forms of cancer."

Eleanor Barrie of Cancer Research in the UK said, "This research shows how specific low frequencies of electromagnetic radiation can slow the growth of cancer cells in the lab. It’s still unclear why the cancer cells respond in this way, and it’s not yet clear if this approach could help patients, but it’s an interesting example of how researchers are working to find new ways to home in on cancer cells while leaving healthy cells unharmed.

Dr. Pasche and his collaborators administered very low level electromagnetic fields, modulating their amplitude at frequencies that appear to be specific for various cancers. This work was published in the prestigious British Journal of Cancer. Beginning with a clinical trial in 2009 (Barbault et al) that built upon previous work that used similar electromagnetic frequencies as a treatment for insomnia that produced both subjective and objective measures of improvement.

Treating various cancers using tumor-specific frequencies produced the following results in a patient series in which compassionate use of this therapy was administered to 28 patients with advanced cancer who had limited therapeutic options:

One patient with hormone-refractory breast cancer metastatic to the adrenal gland and bones had a complete response lasting 11 months. One patient with hormone-refractory breast cancer metastatic to liver and bones had a partial response lasting 13.5 months. Four patients had stable disease lasting for +34.1 months (thyroid cancer metastatic to lung), 5.1 months (non-small cell lung cancer), 4.1 months (pancreatic cancer metastatic to liver) and 4.0 months (leiomyosarcoma metastatic to liver).

In another study also published in the British Journal of Cancer found that the growth of HCC and breast cancer cells was significantly decreased by specific and breast cancer-specific modulation frequencies. Many scientists, studying these medical effects, believe that this technology has broad implications in oncology. Treating cancer with amplitude-modulated electromagnetic fields offers us a huge paradigm shift away from the most dangerous therapies to vastly safer ones.

All Energy is Electromagnetic in Nature
All atoms, chemicals and cells produce electromagnetic fields (EMFs). Every organ in the body produces its own signature bio-electromagnetic field. Science has proven that our bodies actually project their own magnetic fields and that all 70 trillion cells in the body communicate via electromagnetic frequencies. Nothing happens in the body without an electromagnetic exchange. It has been definitely established by physicists, that when a moving electric charge is accelerated or retarded in any way, a wave of electromagnetic disturbance radiates out through the surrounding space. We are in fact light beings, photon quantum beings. As the Bible says, we are the light of this world. We are rainbows and we absorb and re-radiate out light all the time. Said another way—electrical and magnetic energy exist in the human body.

Some devices commonly used in mainstream medicine include EEGs to measure electrical activity in the brain and EKGs to measure electrical patterns of heartbeats. Electrical energy is used to restart the heart when its rhythm is disrupted (defibrillation). Some electronic and electromagnetic devices are approved for medical use, such as the electroencephalogram (EEG), electrocardiogram (EKG), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation units (TENS; Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation). Such devices are used to diagnose heart and certain physical problems. The TENS unit is used to reduce pain by interfering with nerve conduction of pain impulses.

Some types of electromagnetic energy are approved for use in standard cancer treatment. These methods include X-rays and radiation therapy as well as radio frequency ablation and microwave ablation, which help destroy tumors. The standard medical treatments use specialized equipment to generate these types of high-energy electromagnetic fields and focus them precisely on the area being treated. Doctors do not like to tell you how dangerous their chosen favorite radiation frequencies are nor do they tell you that there are other types of radiation like near and far infrared that do a better safer job of helping a patient fight their cancers.

Powerful electromagnetic fields (stronger and of a different type than those produced by radionic devices) are able to change the responses of the body’s cells. Early evidence suggests that these electromagnetic fields may help broken bones, reduce frequency of migraine headaches and reduce other kinds of pain.

Dr. William Pawluk says, “PEMFs deliver beneficial, health-enhancing EMFs and frequencies to the cells. Low frequency PEMFs of even the weakest strengths pass right through the body, penetrating every cell, tissue, organ and even bone without being absorbed or altered! As they pass through, they stimulate most of the electrical and chemical processes in the tissues. Therapeutic PEMFs are specifically designed to positively support cellular energy, resulting in better cellular health and function.”

Dr. Raphael Nyarkotey Obu is a Research Professor of Prostate Cancer and Holistic Medicine –faculty lead- Holistic Urology, Da Vinci College of Holistic Medicine, Larnaca City, Cyprus. He is the National President of the Alternative Medical Association of Ghana (AMAG). A registered alternative Medical practitioner with specialty in orthomolecular oncology, Prostate Cancer Policy maker and researcher. He can be reached on 0541090045. E mail: [email protected]
