24.04.2016 Feature Article

Remain Focused To Achieve Your Goals In Life

Remain Focused To Achieve Your Goals In Life
24.04.2016 LISTEN

Do you sometime find it difficult to focus on your goals in life?

There reality is that, sometime, most people find it difficult to focus on their goals in life.

Setting goals is not as important as taking steps to remain focus to achieve them.

When you set goals for yourself, means that, you have plans in place to help you achieve them and within that plan, you must learn to focus.

You can never be an achiever of goals when you lack the ability to focus on the goals. Therefore, it is very paramount that, you do everything possible to remain focus in the pursuit of your goals in life especially when you want to succeed and achieve greater results with your goals.

When you focus, you are able to follow through the plans you have made or set in place to achieve a particular task of the day and you zero in wholeheartedly without fail to achieve it

However, sometimes it is very shocking that, just when we are ready to take the necessary actions and make crucial changes; things get in the way to distract us or make it impossible to remain focused on our goals.

Majority of us have lost the zeal, passion, and drive to achieve our goal in life. You will be very surprise to see or hear people who have just lost the momentum to pursue some contracts and business because of lack of focus. When this happens, it creates failure, disappointment, low self-esteem and motivation to achieve ones goals.

There is nothing potent in a man’s life like a focused mind. Focused minds achieve the impossible. Let not get into the habit of blaming people, places and things for distracting us and get more serious with our lives to achieve our goals. Sometime, we try to blame our work, family, or technology and time for our inability to focus on our goals. We all have 24 hours in a day to achieve our goals. So why do we allow others to steal our time to achieve theirs and we sit down to complain about not having enough time to focus on our goals. Don’t get me wrong; these forces will always be there to want to shift our focus off our goals but we should never or must to blame these factors alone but our indiscipline life.

Sometimes, you may or will be dejected, rejected, abused, ridiculed, mocked, starved and stripped to die like a seed by the very people who claimed to love you. Remember that, seed sometimes do not grow in group but alone.

The fact that others don’t see your worth doesn’t mean you don’t have a future. Every seed has a future depending on how the farmer sees it or cultivated it. God sees you as a great seed. “Except grain of corn falls and dies, it abides alone”. (John 12:24).

Your life is a seed to this world. God being the farmer, he strategically planted you in the environment where you can or should grow to bear much fruit for him. You are part of His plan to bring fruitfulness and productivity to this world through bearing the fruits of truth, kindness and wisdom. Just as every farmer or gardener takes delight in his or her harvest, crops etc., God also takes delight and interest in seeing you prosper and be in good health as your soul prospers.

The beauty of every seed is in its blossoming or flourishing. You will flourish and blossom. No one has the power to determine the beauty of a flower except the farmer or the Gardner. God is your gardener. YOU CAN’T BE STOPPED. Whatever anyone has done or doing to prevent you from becoming successful in this life, will not work.

They may have TRAMPLED to change your story, but they can’t change the glory. Your glory is already determined by GOD. WOW. You have a new life, hope and new destiny.

It is therefore necessary that you engage in prayer, word, live in faith in order to grow and bear much fruits for the farmer or the gardener (GOD). By doing these little things daily, it will contribute to our fruitfulness and bring glory to God. Here are some few things you can do to have a fruitful day.

Here are some 16 ways you can remain focus and achieve your goals in life

  1. Start your day with prayer and end with prayer.
  2. Read the Word of God
  3. Be kind and serviceable
  4. Don’t focus on too many goals. Narrow them with a specific time scale to achieve them
  5. Exercise and have enough rest (mentally, physically)
  6. Create a physical or virtual goal board
  7. Drink enough water and stay healthy/ balance diets.
  8. Don’t focus on negativity (things or people)
  9. Start a journal and write about your experience as you pursue your goal
  10. Dare yourself to take positive steps in achieving something you have been scared of doing.
  11. Instead of focusing on the large goal, focus on the smaller tasks
  12. Never compare yourself with others.
  13. Be opened minded to learn new things.
  14. Be patient and stay in your lane.
  15. Be respectful and humble.
  16. Be helpful and supportive to others. Help someone by praying for them.

As you step out and up to achieve your goals in life, try and remain and maintain your focus. May you step out in boldness and confident to achieve your goals this week as you follow these few steps. Implementing these little steps each day or week will help enhance your motivation and desire to make your dreams come true. Step up and keep up.

You are destined to succeed.
Remain focused
Ferdinard Senyo Lawson
Ferdinard Senyo Lawson is a Creativity Award (CA-AWARD, 2015) Best Life Coach & Best Public Speaker Winner, True African Heritage Awards (BEST AUTHOR, 2015) and Beffta. Founder & C.E.O of Ferdinard Lawson Empowerment & Inspirational Agency C.I.C ( FLEiA.CIC) in UK, Public Health Professional, Author, Lifestyle Coach, Transformational & Public Speaker and Publication Consultant. He is an international speaker.
