
Commentary: The need for Divinely-Inclined Government in Africa

Feature Article Commentary: The need for Divinely-Inclined Government in Africa
FEB 11, 2016 LISTEN

It is called democracy and it is a system of government that often purports to be righteous. However, it is a style of government that has given rise to years of slavery and Europe-inspired political and economic occupation of many of the world’s nations. Hmmm…in fact, when you reflect on it, the term democracy is synonymous with Europe’s greed and injustice throughout the globe. We can therefore only wonder why the African nations of the earth have for the most part, given themselves over to European and American style democracy. This article seeks to explore democracy’s failure in Africa.

Democracy and Africa
Who makes a government and expects the people to do whatever they want? The answer is: nobody. However, in the name of freedom—the unrighteous kind—democracy does just that. Today, democracy has instilled so much injustice in the world that one can only wonder why Africa of all continents wants to see it flourish as the standard of government for the nations of the continent.

Democracy, or what I call “white-is-right” democracy, oversaw the slave economies of yesterday, and today does the same. As African people continue to move to Europe and North America in the name of seeking economic prosperity and freedom, many will sell their sweat and labour to European interests and those of other nationalities for the purpose of becoming rich and achieving the Western dream of social affluence. A question that must be asked is what happened to Africa that its nationals cannot stay home and prosper in their own nations? This author believes that the answer is very simple: the adoption of European style education and heathenism, or what is commonly referred to as “Western education” in the modern sense.

Democracy emphasises a liberal form of education. Interestingly though, even after having been educated in Europe and North America, as well as other nations of the world, African professionals in particular, seem ill-equipped to positively transform their nations’ economic positions and judicial inclinations. This is to the extent that one can only wonder why the name of Jesus (Yeshua), of all people, is even mentioned in Africa at all. After all, the Christian faith is about developing the mind to transform the earth into a haven of righteousness and peace. This philosophy was once the basis of many aspects of Western education. Many an African professional will somehow claim to be Christian, or to have some affiliation with the Mashiach (Christ) of Yisraelite origin, even though their education now inclines them to fight in the interests of foreigners and against righteousness.

Yeshua and Divinely-Inclined Government
Yeshua preached about a Kingdom of God where His Father as divine ruler, transformed the hearts of human beings as things to do righteousness. This is why he said, “But seek ye first his [Yahweh’s] kingdom, and his righteousness; and all these things [economic needs] shall be added unto you” (Mattityahu/Matthew 6:33 ASV).

It is interesting that Yeshua taught his disciples that part of the reason he came to the earth was so that they would “…have life, and…have it abundantly” (Yochanan/John 10:10 ASV). A hard life slaving nine-to-five and at odd hours of the night, in Europe or North America is hardly what Christ had in mind when he talked about the abundant life that comes with being a part of his Father’s Kingdom government.

When we revisit the Bible, the previously mentioned scripture verse contextually starts out by first telling us that “The thief cometh not, but that he may steal, and kill, and destroy” (Yochanan/John 10:10 ASV). Although Christ’s reference to the “thief” is synonymous with the character of the Biblical Satan, it should be recognised that Satan, based on the Bible, works through human agents. And when we think about it, which nations have stolen, killed and destroyed in Africa, more than the European in pre-modern and modern times? Hmmm, this is food for thought. But it may even turn your stomach if you think on it for too long.

When we take the history of Europe in Africa into consideration, you would think that Africa would have learned its lesson about economic slavery and the popular term colonialism. However, this has not happened. Africans in general can be considered foolish for adopting European-style democratic government in an attempt to right the wrongs of their development past. If anything, rather, they should be looking to Yahweh, Creator of heaven and earth, and His Son Yeshua, for answers about governance, economics and righteousness in their lands.

Conclusion: Righteousness in the Land
Government in Africa is largely influenced by European interests. Economics, politics and justice in Africa is usually left in the hands of leaders who have sold themselves to Europe and North America in order to gain honour and favour in the sight of the officials and other nationals in these regions of the world. Righteousness is as a result of this, very much lacking in governance. This trend is foolishness of one of the highest sorts.

Just consider that today even the President of America is believed to be some type of force of righteousness in the world, even though his nation, America, is a hotbed of immorality, evil and blatant whoredoms. This is a nation where women rule men in unrighteousness, launder welfare funds without labouring, rear ungodly children and even fornicate with other women. (The men’s turn will come later.) It remains to be seen whether the nations of Africa will ever do differently than the US and Europe in ensuring that things like state-sanctioned usury, family-based prostitution or even interest-laden land commodification are done away with on African soil. We wait to see whether Africans see the need for divinely-inclined government to replace democracy and its harlotry in years to come. Amen (and so shall it be).
