
Letter To The ISIS

Letter Letter To The ISIS
NOV 17, 2015 LISTEN

Isis, Boko Haram, Al shabab etc should fight their own battle and leave Muslims out of their wicked agenda. As much as we would like to live in a state governed by Islamic law, we would like to emulate the prophet and the Khalifatu Rashidun (Rightly guided successors of the prophet) who established the most peaceful first Islamic State in Madina in which Muslims lived side by side with Christians, Jews and Idol Worshippers.

Any Muslim who kills an innocent soul intentionally will be in hell as mentioned in Suratu Al Nisa and several other verses of the Qur'an. Kidnappings, suicides, killing of women, children, the aged are clearly condemned by Allah and the Sunna of the Prophet (refer to Bukhari and Muslim).

As far as I am concerned, Isis and their likes are not fighting on behalf of Muslims. It is obvious they want to control the resources of their surroundings.

Some advice to the Western World. The West should desist from destroying perceived Arab/Islamic countries which fuel negative perception about them as far as Islam is concerned. I don't think the West hate Islam but they should take a second look at their policy towards the middle east. The brutal murder of Saddam, Gaddafi and the massacre ongoing currently in Syria couldn't be just isolated cases. War begets more war. Lets give peace chance through diplomacy.

I am for Peace ✌
