08.11.2015 Feature Article

Explaining "caring For All Believers"-continued

Explaining caring For All Believers-continued
08.11.2015 LISTEN

“Go, and do thou likewise”. Jesus Christ said. For such is the wish of God for us Children and Disciples of Christ- unquote. The Christ bought and saved (Matt.13:45-46) persons for the satisfaction of God. The Triune God made the earth and its occupants for His desire and satisfaction. Satan, who at the time even admired the creation of the earth, later rebelled and this have become nightmare for us except our salvation(Matt.13 47-50).

To understand that “to be each other’s keeper or being each other’s neighbour” loving!!! is next to God. And it is the second commandment (Matt.22:34-40).Jesus Christ said on this two commandments hang all the law v.40. So Christians will have to take such statement very serious, that which will be beyond human or just ordinarily understanding. It is a statement which links us united together with the Triune God. It is sacred, far spiritual and above all the ordinary caring for each other. It is part of God’s attributes imbued in us, and it functions as God within us. It functions very well when the Christian's outer man is broken, which frees the Spirit mingled with man’s spirit to flow.Unable to be imprisoned any longer by flesh and its desires.


Another way of helping the Christian to understand the urgency of such statement to God, and what it means to Him. I.e. “being each other’s keeper or carer, and also is seeing each other as neighbours in the Lord”. Not as prescribed by organisations or denominations. Another saying of Christ is about the united broom or the unity of God’s Children.

Jesus Christ (also God) described by Mathew as King and Luke as Man Saviour is the One who taught us these things. Described by Jesus Christ as the second commandment, these statements of which we are discussing are relevant to the Christian.

Now follow the chronology of events before or leading to this pronouncement. It is known to us or Christians thatwithout the crucifixion and resurrection (Matt.16:21) of the man saviour whom John saw(Rev.1:9-20) as the only one fitting to read the pronouncement or scroll in his vision of God in Patmos. There would have been no hope for us, and our Christianity will not have had any basis or usefulness.

Therefore, with the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, whose birth was foretold by God years before it happened through His Prophets? The Good News the people on earth have been promised and the world was waiting for through the Patriarchs, our hope did finally arrive. He began and consequently mobilized persons to begin the purpose and plans of God as pioneers. In the world then, this is under the total captivity and infused of Satan and his demons, with their human colonies.

Jesus Christ had this time being with His early disciples or followers, for some time. And He was gradually unfolding His mission to earth to them. He started first with His required journey to Judea, and for the first time reveals His Crucifixion and Resurrection to them which Matthew recorded it in Matt. 16:21-27. He had earlier in the process revealed the Church (Matt. 16:17-20) to them. There after the revelation of his death and been raised, He shows the leading Apostle the miniature of the kingdom through His Transfiguration with Moses and Elijah (Matt.16:28-17:13).

Remember the Lord had to call(11:28-30) out people and also(16:18) to begin His church and such people has to have Christ revealed to them as (16:17) to enable them know the worth of Jesus Christ in their lives and the value of the church and our salvation.

V 20,the revelation concerning Christ with His church is always hidden from religious people. V.21 and immediately after the great mystery concerning Christ and the church,the crucifixion and ressurrection of Christ were unvield.In order for Christ to build His church,he had to go to the religious centre,pass through crucifixion,and enter into resurrection.The Lord's transfiguration 17.1-2; was a firm indication that He was coming into His kingdom. This was witnessed by three of His disciples-Peter, James,and John.

Immediately after He dealt a blow to the Satanic forces which controls the world, by exercising His authority over them by casting out the demon and dirty spirits in the epileptic man (Matt. 17:14-21).Such is also the main issue of God redeeming us and to cleanse us. Jesus Christ then came and continues to break cultures and bring anyone, regardless of their tribe, religion, sexual orientation, nationality, race, or politics. And to bring us back to God our own maker. (to be continued)
