11.10.2015 Feature Article

Caring For All Believers !!! The Lord Works In The Saints To Impart Himself Into Us As Our Means

Caring For All Believers !!! The Lord Works In The Saints To Impart Himself Into Us As Our Means
11.10.2015 LISTEN

God used His Word which was with Him in the beginning to reach us,through Him everything was made;and nothing was made that was without Him.The same was the Word sent by God to purchase that of God from the deceptive world with His Blood.No one as a result comes to the "Father" without through Him.The Word is also the Good News of Salvation the saints of before had hoped to see alive.JESUS CHRIST Jahweh's Salvation to the dying world, the true image of God who bore the blunt of our wickedness.But through resurrection brought us to God for His satisfaction .Do you know Him!!! Do you know the power (which raised Him with us from the dead) with and in Him?

Through this scripture evidence as part told last week,see if you know Him.

Why was it that the Lord waited for two days instead of going immediately upon receiving the news of Lazarus' sickness?

Lazarus a relative of the Lord's friends was very sick and near to death.They sent to inform Him (JESUS CHRIST) knowing that if He came before the odd happens He has the power to keep Lazarus alive.But did the Lord who is quick at such calls come immediately,no,no,no was the answer.He even waited until Lazarus death, and as if that was not enough and even was buried for a number of days definitely which meant the corpse of the deceased could have been decomposed.Obviously like you and me with our shallow reasoning, could have packaged a good reason's.But scripture tells us He tallied;how many of us could sustain our believe in JESUS CHRIST and tally in such or any other matter?

There was surely a reason why the Lord waited even though Martha and her relatives have sent to inform the Lord earlier. Strictly speaking, the Lord waited for two more days because He would not only heal people; rather, He would enliven us.By creating the fitting desires or anxiety of Martha and the rest of the people with her, it was an opportunity for God/Jesus Christ to demonstrate a better understanding of His coming to earth.Not just as another Prophet of God, but God Himself. The Lord never heals according to our understanding; He heals by enlivening... According to the old concept, healing means to reform or to improve you.What is the benefit if such a healed person eventually died again,was it or is it logical

But the Lord never comes to improve us (dear Christian) or to regulate our behaviour. He always comes to enliven us which He sustains us (when we cooperate with Him with the right organ our spirit) to live for ever with Him.That is what I call meaningful healing.The Lord's only intention is to impart Himself to you as the enlivening life.Our Christian call was for Him to restore into us Himself which was neglected when we took on the bad character or infusion from Satan. We became very corrupted (when Satan deceived us in the Garden of Eden, where man had the efficacy of the Triune God) and therefore the Lord after recovering us had the duty of restoring His efficacy back into the recovered man.Our call is not to belong to an organisation,institution,religion,or denomination;but the Body of Christ,both physically and spiritually.In the Body of Christ all in God are One Body with JESUS CHRIST as the Head.

For the Christian/s full of grace bears all the fruits of the Spirit spontaneously,it does not come solely from efforts or teaching;but from the powerful workings of God in such a Christian or Christians.The level of grace(JESUS CHRIST) one possess demonstrate on outer and visible character, which many thinks it can be taught.No NO NO and capital no.The gentleness,kindness etc of such person/s resembles that(THE VIRTUE), which ONLY GOD can and is displaying towards us now.

For this reason when we are born again by the Spirit, we begin to be worked on from the inside of us by the Spirit of God to express Him.[Therefore for example, if you are a person with a bad temper]. The more you pray for the healing of your temper, the worse your temper will be. The Lord will never come to heal, but He waits... waits... waits... until you are dead. Something in us which has corrupted us has to die and worked out of us. The Lordwill not and does not come to answer your prayer for healing, but He will wait until your sickness turns into death...Remember it was the wish that Christ was offered for our sins, so JESUS CHRIST agreed with the Father so that the cup of death will not pass Him by.WE (you and me) matter so much to God that He parted with all He beloved and offered His blood for our salvation.This makes a Christians' Christ-full living so important to God.

So when you awake to the fact that you are dead, buried, and even stinking with bad odours, the Lord will then come to enliven you. Before the Lord did put flesh on the bone the man of God saw in his vision, there had to be the bones to qualify for the Lord's restoration or enlivenment, so that no one can boast in ourselves or in our pride. The stump of the tree which another man of God saw in another vision, had to die completely before it was made to germinate just as a sown seed does. A seedsown into the soil dies before its germination could begin. So dear Christian let the entire world ought to know and understand that the sovereign right of the universe and the order of things belongs to the Lordalone. Abram became Abraham when he had totally giving up in his strength or ego to the God of His ancestors.

The beloved of God be beside yourself and the Lord will find a need and usefulness for you.Do join me whilst we continue with this story next week, until then continue releasing your all to the Lord JESUS CHRIST. PLEASE CAN I HAVE YOUR BIG "AMEN"
