03.05.2015 Feature Article

Caring For All Believers!!! Its Our United Obligation To The Lord.

Caring For All Believers!!! Its Our United Obligation To The Lord.
03.05.2015 LISTEN


In the Church, it is only the crucified lives in the Lord Jesus Christ that does stay resurrected (i.e. in their functioning in the church life,yet all are raised with the Lord), at the same time with the Lord to function as Jesus Christ did. The Lord Jesus Christ like Isaac was totally devoted and trusted His Father.Such people do not boast in their flesh but totally depend and live the life of Christ through the Holy Spirit enabling them.All such people in the church do is living to express the Father, they don't count their lives as though they have reached their target.But everyday lives solely for the Father.Such lives get filled spiritually and clothed with the honour of God, as the dry bones show us.

Last week we showed you that,the vision of the dry bones shows that before God came in to renew and regenerate us, we were not only sinful and filthy (36:25) but also dead and buried in “graves” of various sinful, worldly, and religious things (vv.12-13). We indeed were like dead and dry bones, disjointed and scattered, having no oneness,(Touching on the issue of oneness, it's often disheartening to see people of the same religious denomination, disagreeing profoundly on their own religious tenets, becoming bitter if not worst enemies, to the extent of requiring the heathen courts to sorts out their differences).But the Lord is the Saviour of the dead (John 5:25; Eph. 2:1-8).You can be a religious person and dead without becoming a Christian. Who therefore is a Christian? Can I leave you to do your own research hopefully the Spirit of Christ may guide you to the deserving and truthful definition. Many may be in cults currently than in the Body of Christ, having not known Christ personally, with Christ also acknowledging them as His own. They may be following a cult figure parading Himself as a follower of Christ,or "founder". I do hope those who seek Christ will find Him when it is yet still day.

Hear ye all who seek the Lord, Ezekiel's prophesying in Chapter 37 verse 4, was not a matter of predicting but a matter of speaking forth, declaring, something to the Lord. So do I, currently speak to the Church and hereto for the Lord. When Ezekiel spoke forth, God gave people the Spirit (vv.10,14). So do I pray and plead Him, that He who is the same God who gave the Spirit when Ezekiel spoke will give those who read the sharing the same Spirit today.

The main meaning of prophesying in the Bible then and as today,is not only to predict but to speak forth the Lord, to minister the Lord to people.

Please come with me to (1 Cor. 14:24-25) for a moment. Prophesying is not only one individual believer's prerogative or obligation, but all believers in whom Christ live, and the Lord so commanded them to witness. Remember however also, the Lord can speak forth but also through our intercession only (for ye have not asked,hence my father would have supplied your needs through my name). So v.24 also implies that all believers have not only the obligation but also the capacity to prophesy (not the right of one individual).If all prophesy in church meetings, people will be convicted and converted.It's fresh,encourages and invigorating(NOW TELL ME HOW WILL BELIEVERS BE CONVICTED AND CONVERTED, IF DAY IN AND DAY OUT FOR EMPTING YEARS YOU HEAR THE VOICE OF ONLY ONE “SELF APPOINTED PERSON, FOUNDER OR “LEADER”.IT DOES GET BORED).What then has happens to the gifts and talents God has placed in the rest of the believers?.However fortunately though, this kind of prophesying must not be mainly to predict but to speak forth the Lord, if the Lord, as He often does and reveals to many other believers beside the “self appointed preacher, founder or leader”.

A good leader like Christ will fearlessly raise and send church members (believers in pairs to evangelize) and speak forth the Lord. Either in the church meetings or out to evangelize. Therefore spiritual elders, should encourage all to prophesy and wisely correct or sometimes lovingly rebuke , when a believer go pass their limit. For onto such elders a much more of Christ have been gained, through years of devoted practices and ceaselessly calling on the Lord. We as the elders ought to lead by example, to make it easier for others to learn. For no one person in Christ holds super authority to speaking forth the Lord; but this same Christ is the portion allotted to all of us, or each one of the Body of Christ.This does not mean, however,that the church lacks human authority deriving from the Spirit. Although, to a variant degree for each one of us according to His ( God's) will, each one can minister.The leading members deserve our respect and prayers,to lead us wisely in the wisdom bestowed on us through Christ.

V.24.Continues to say that, this would not result from the prophesy of prediction (know the difference) but from the prophesy of speaking forth the Lord and speaking for the Lord. The Principal and only ingredient the Christian needs is our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. This latter kind of prophesy as I have said earlier requires some amount of growth in the divine, and natural life. This word also is an encouragement to the practice of prophesying as also mentioned above. No Christian church should or ought to bore itself with the daily singular voice, which with age breeds familiarity and mixture of stories and scriptures (thus diluting the truth and the power of God behind it). It ain't helpful and beneficial to both Christ and the believers.

Therefore v.25 continues to imply that prophesying, speaking forth God with God as the content, ministers God to the hearers and brings them to God. Hence, all ministration carries the variety of gold and sound of a united and steady flow of a river of sound made from this cooperate prophesying.

This also indicates that the church meetings should be filled with God based on such cooperate anointing. This however should be lead by exemplary elders who organises and encourages the free flow of the spirit of everyone prophesying. Therefore, all the meetings activities should convey and transmit God to people that they may be infused with God. The aim of the meetings must be to have almost everyone's contribution, so that it will be convicting, encouraging and converting more people. Most especially if new converts sees that those who introduced them to Christianity are able to minister themselves,and also being regarded by the one Union Christ.

Whilst we pray to God, that He strengthens every believer or saint to minister without shyness, regardless of their ability or eloquence to speak.So do we plead with men to encourage all in the Lord to take to, or play vital roles in their local assemblies.This may include encouraging all to share in the ministration even as we all take part in the Lord's communion.

I love you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ ( all ye who have crucified your flesh to Christ), God willing join us with our next sharing.
