23.03.2015 Feature Article

How To Succeed After School

How To Succeed After School
23.03.2015 LISTEN

Life is a journey and so is success. You can never arrive at the destiny of success. Many have succeeded into getting into school, college, and university only to come out very frustrated and confused as to what to do after leaving or graduating.

Many have also succeeded in WHAT to do or study in school only to complete the school and get even more confused about HOW to turn or use the knowledge gained to become successful in life. This however raise concern as to how do one become successful after school?

In view of that, I am going to share some 4 tips about how one can succeed after leaving or completing school.

Success is a seed you sow in school but harvest after school

Nothing in life comes easily to anyone. Success has no legs to walk to you after leaving school. To be able to succeed in life, you have to make some demands on yourself to go out and look for a job. Some people are too happy living on their parent salary and thinks that, their parents are responsible for their employability. My only advice I can give here is that, step-out and look around to see what you can do to help your community. Earn your way into a job by offering yourself as a volunteer in your local or community council and learn how best you can contribute to them

Stepping out of your comfort zone means that, making things very uncomfortable to yourself to achieve your comfort future. In life, we only grow and develop by stretching ourselves. It is very important that, you take steps each day at a time to achieve your dream. Do not allow falling and failing to prevent you from becoming the guru you want to be.

If you are having a hard time stepping out of your comfort zone, it is a good idea to start small and build your way up. But keep building your way up but don't give up. Challenge and inspire yourself to break barriers and hurdles that have the ability to intoxicate your desire to succeed in life.

You can only perform at the same level of your motivation and inspiration.

What you are not ready to sacrifice for will elude you in life.I have personally discovered that, success has no legs or wings to get to me so; I had to make some serious sacrifices in order to attain greatness and success. Life is about sacrifices, and failing to cultivate the habits of sacrifice, you will never achieve anything. I had to sacrifice my time, money, relationships, comfort levels, character traits, or material possessions to become the master in my area or field. It is therefore necessary that, if you want to get to the height of life, you learn to sacrifice for it. Rewards only come to those who have paid the price to attain it. What price are you paying in life to get to the success you want?

Life itself is full of unwanted challenges or hurdles and it can only take a heart of sacrifice to soar through its barriers. In other words, you need to assess and plan for life as it comes. Overcoming the hurdles of life or immunizing against the killer bug to success comes with heavy risks and sacrifices.

One needs to make a sacrifice that will allow more time to focus on what really matters, in order to achieve his or her goals and aspiration in life. Success always demands greater sacrifice. Are you ready for success? Then get ready to sacrifice a bit more to become successful.

Time is the greatest commodity you never want to waste when it comes to achieving success in life.

You can never become a successful individual without learning. Learning leads to leading

All successful people spend a lot of time learning how to master their area of gifting. I have never come across anyone who has succeeded without learning. Spend your time with those who inspire and encourage you to step into that very dream in life. Avoid wasting your time with individuals who gossip or spend their life time watching reality TV shows, negative news, or anything else that will interfere with you moving forward.

Who do you want to be in life? Discover those who have attained it and get to connect with them to learn their skills.

You can never grow without learning-Invest your time to learning.

Be addicted to learning and your life will never remain the same. Personally, I have discovered that, when one is addicted to learning, one develops the following in the pursuit of success:

1. Enlightens your mind and expands your scope of thinking
2. creating a sense of curious, hunger
3. Increase in your wisdom base
4. Achieving Success beyond limits and against all odds.
5. Changes your world and environment.
6. learning helps you to adapt to change
7. Enables you find meaning in your lives.
8. Keeps you involved as active contributors to society and communities.
9. Helps you make new friends and establish valuable relationships.
10. Leads to an enriching life of self-fulfilment.

The best thing you can ever over dose yourself with is learning.

Ferdinard Senyo Lawson is a Beffta Awards winning author (2013) of many inspirational and motivational books. African Heritage Award best Author Nominee 2014, Beffta Award Best author Nominee, 2014. He is a Life coach, mentor, publication consultant, Columnist, radio host, the C.E.O and the founder of Ferdinard Lawson publication consultancy.Ferdinard Lawson Inspiration & Empowerment Agency (FLiEA) in UK, and a faculty member of the African Professional Speakers' Academy (APSA)

Ferdinard Lawson's mandate is to Empower, Encourage, Motivate and Inspire individuals to remain focus in life by discovering of their identity in order to pursue their purposes and destiny. He is also an international advisor to The Achievers Foundation; Ghana. He was honoured as an Extraordinary Individual in United Kingdom. Ferdinard Senyo Lawson holds a Bachelor Degree in Public Health and Social Care and full Member of Royal Society for Public Health (MRSPH) and works within the National Health Service in United Kingdom.
