
The Sin of Equating Navi to Prophet! (Part 2 of 2)

Feature Article The Sin of Equating Navi to Prophet! Part 2 of 2
JAN 1, 2015 LISTEN

The full Ivri nature and personality of the Savior must be visible in any person who claims to act as his Navi; otherwise, the one is an imposter! For instance, the facial features commanded by the Torah for all holy Ivriim to keep and maintain must be same as seen on the face of every man today who claims to be a Navi, or else such a person will remain forever a liar!

And so, if there be any Navi today, he must, as in days of old, sport a full beard and maintain it within the same border limits the Almighty determined for him! Such a Navi must live in submission to the Torah—cf. Vayikra (Leviticus) 19:27, 21:5—for no Navi breaks the Torah and yet qualifies to remain one! Any “Navi” of old under the Old Covenant who broke the Torah faced physical death by stoning, just as anyone today who breaks the Renewed Covenant faces instant spiritual death in being detached from Yahushua HaMashakhYahu, the True Vine and only source of Life!

You see, Yahushua HaMashakhYahu is the embodiment of the full Word of Elohim—cf. YahuChanan (John) 1:1-14, YahuChanan Alef (First John) 1:1. He is the Word of Elohim made to become visible and tangible flesh. So then, Yahushua HaMashakhYahu cannot reside in any man who will look different from him when he (Yahushua) is the visible totality of the Word of Elohim, Vayikra 19:27, 21:5 inclusive!

My advice to you, dear reader, is not to entertain anyone who stands before you claiming to be a spokesman for YAHUWAH with his beard and other facial hairs reconfigured to his own fashion taste, as if to tell the Creator that he is a better designer or architect of his face than Him, or anyone who has all his facial hairs scraped off his face, as if to annoy his Maker by insinuating that they were unnecessarily given to him and that he does not need them because they are useless to him!! Oh, what sons of disobedience did Adam I beget!!

Now, as every Navi dazzled in the wisdom and glory of Elohiym whose Ruwakh HaKodesh came upon and controlled him for the benefit of His chosen people, Yisroel, some counterfeit “neviim” going by the name “prophet” also popped up among Goyim (Gentiles), manifesting whatever their (Goyim) brand of spirituality might be. Among Greeks is where the word “prophet” originated from and so such counterfeit “neviim” were typically and particularly common there! My discourse in this article, therefore, relates “prophet” to its Greek roots and sense.

Because the English word “prophet” is derived directly from the Greek word “prophetes”,for one to understand who a “prophet” is, one must first have understanding of the meaning and usage of “prophetes” within Greek culture—lifestyle, literature, religion, spiritual beliefs, mythology, etc.

In Greek thought and culture, a “prophetes” is a man or woman, Greek or any other Goyim, free or slave, young or old, willing or compelled, of a particular lineage or other, who speaks for any of the many gods of their land as the spirits of these gods possess and control him or her. The spirits of these Greek gods may inhabit a “prophetes” singularly or in a plurality of allied or unallied spirits!!

And so, whenever a plurality of gods of varying powers and temperaments possess and control a “prophetes” they often manifest in him their differing naturesand this, of course, could often manifest in weird, confusing and frightening displays of spirituality by the “prophetes”.

It was not uncommon for a “prophetes” to have sessions to display his/her spirituality and prowess as he/she delivered messages from their gods, while featuring in singing, magical displays, fortune telling, physical contortions and or gyrations of the body, etc. These sessions, though not always restricted to temples or shrines of these gods, were however often executed in these places to a bewildered audience!

Obviously, from the proceeding, it cannot be that a navi and a prophet (prophetes) are the same! These functionaries are different from each other because their contacts or associations with the spirit world are different! The spirits that possess them are different—a holy one for the navi, and an unholy one for the prophet!

While a navi must manifest the persona and personality of Yahushua, who in fact must indwell him spiritually and bodily for him to qualify as navi to Elohiym, a “prophetes” does not manifest the personality of his god or gods who possess him.

While every navi is a man who was aged thirty and above, a prophet could be male or a female of any age!! Again, while every navi must be of the stock of Yisroel and thoroughly schooled in the Torah and loyal to it, a prophet was not necessarily of Greek descent but could also belong to any other Goyim nation! 

People who possessed spirits other than that of Elohiym were collectively described as having contrary or familiar spirits, thus making the “prophetes” one of such. These contrary spirits, when in possession of their hosts, used them to do all manner of things abominable to Elohiym such as fortune telling, divination, necromancy, sorcery, magic, and theatrical displays with snakes and other abominable animals!

It did not matter whether whatever anyone with a contrary spirit prophesied came to be true or not, their works were abominable to Elohim and so all Yisroel was instructed not to have anything doing with anyone with a contrary spirit.

It is for this reason that Elohiym poured His wrath upon King Sha'ul when he consulted with a witch who, using a contrary spirit, accomplished the feat of bringing into view the spirit of navi Shmuel who had been dead—cf. Shmuel Alef (First Samuel) 28:7-25.

In the City of Samaria, Shimon Kefa, a shliakh (emissary or “apostle”?) of Yahushua HaMashakhYahu confronted the evil deeds of one Simon, a sorcerer, who was possessed and used by a contrary spirit—cf. Ma'asim (Acts) 8:9-11, 18-24.

In holy anger, Sha'ul, another shliakh of Yahushua HaMashakhYahu also had to rebuke and cast out a spirit of divination and fortune telling in a little girl who had been turned into a money-making machine for her owners, who, though speaking truthfully about Sha'ul and his group as being holy servants of Elohiym sent into the world to lead mankind into the true way of entering Elohiym's salvation, was nonetheless not in or at oneness in spirit with Ruwakh HaKodesh of Elohiym who dwelt in Sha'ul and his friends—cf. Ma'asim (Acts) 16:16-18.

And so, for bible translators to equate navi to prophet as they have done by their work is an insult to every navi of Yisroel of the past and to the person of Yahushua HaMashakhYahu who must indwell any man so as to use him as navi in our world today.  

So much confusion among Christians—who claim to be the children of Elohiym—has arisen because their clergymen and theologians have wrongly endorsed the word “prophet” as been a prestigious and holy title of their faith, thereby accepting the works of “prophets” in their congregations, supposing them (prophets) to have been sent to them by Elohiym! Prophets have evil roots, having first been known outside of Yisroel, and have always been known to work to promote evil in the world.

No wonder there are many weird occurrences in congregations of Christian denominations. This is all because evil is welcome into their midst in granting a holy status to prophets (people with contrary spirits) who they mistake to be holy unto Elohim and His Son Yahushua HaMashakhYahu!!

There will never be oneness and any shine of truth among congregations of salvation seekers, world-wide, where prophets are held in high esteem as their leaders, who very often are even worshipped as if comparable to Elohiym!!

Contrary or familiar spirits are having a field day in the world in being accorded holy statuses by people who are ignorant of the ways of Elohiym. In all of this, it seems to me to be a sin equating or equalizing navi to prophet! How sad!!

The writer is an author. His website address is:
