16.11.2014 Feature Article

Tackle the inequalities that exist in communities through strategies via Parliament - Part III

Tackle the inequalities that exist in communities through strategies via Parliament - Part III
16.11.2014 LISTEN

Government to have recoupling of earning and economic growth a key priority of macroeconomic policy.

1) This area involves all the Governmental departments working together from education, health, trade and industry etc. Parliament needs to identify the interlocking challenges that threatens social mobility and child poverty

2) There should be a significant investment in early year education as it is essential for the economic growth of any country. Let's think as if every child born is ours so we want the very best for that child and think of progress in education for our next generation. We need to have quality children for a better Ghana. In addition, we need to be offering wider participation thereby offer free apprenticeship with conditional offer so that we have high intake for those who the academic route is not their choice.

Government to have taken further steps to devolve power and funding to city regions to give local areas power to boost economic growth in their areas.

3) In one of my articles, I suggested that Government/Parliament must make tentative efforts to work with local leaders in their efforts to unlocking growth and developments that exist in most of our communities. Decentralise power balance is much needed in our country.

4) Why are there no real developments in our villages?

5) Cities drive innovation which villages don't but how can we unlock hidden talents scared around our villages and tiny communities.

6) In the Britain, the Government have agreed to devolve new powers to the largest cities in a series of unique deals and stated that the deals would help those cites to invest in growth, improve local workers, skills and create jobs, support local businesses, control budgets and improve critical infrastructure.

7) This is why one keeps repeating the same phrase why is Ghana reinventing the wheel. This is not happening in Ghana. Many towns do not even have a community centre /public library service for children and young people to go and therefore have no access to ICT. When is the Government going to be ready shift powers to local leadership by this I mean engaging with local chief to articulate their needs of their community. The introduction of DCE was great but has not yielded any significant improvement in communities or has it?

Please do correct me if I am wrong here.

Government to have taken action on housing, supply, helping some young families to achieve their aspirations

8) Housing is not just building any place and calling it a home but a secure safe place free from crime is what is called a home. The cost of housing is problem in Ghana and building materials are always on the rise. Is Parliament ensuring that there is a long and short-term strategy for building affordable homes for workers? I can't answer these questions however feel that it is the responsibility of the Government /Parliament to work with all DCE, Local chiefs & key leaders within every community in identifying needs, building cheaper home /eco friendly homes so that every one have a decent home.

9) Ghana is now one of the oil producing country so bye bye to all the shantytowns. Welcome to a new breed of new housing schemes for all. Let's “walk the walk and talk the talk” if Ghana boost of being an oil producing country.

10) Parliament must make every effort in ensuring that the ordinary people needs are met first before the Greed of Government Ministers. This was the example set by late President Thomas Sankara for his people in 1990's -Burkina Faso a next-door neighbour. Therefore in thriving to build a new nation Parliament must have give a significant educational budget with budget earmarked for the annual maintenance of all schools thus ensuring that all children are given the opportunity to achieve as their human right and progress thus leading to their economic independence.

Your thoughts.
