
Good News To Voltarians In Ghana, Africa And The Entire Globe: The Interpretation Of Deuteronomy 18: 15 – 19.

By Manna Mission
Opinion Good News To Voltarians In Ghana, Africa And The Entire Globe: The Interpretation Of Deuteronomy 18: 15 – 19.
JUL 29, 2014 LISTEN

Volta Region is God's city; God's Kingdom, the home of God Almighty the Father and His Son Jesus Christ - Immanuel. Volta Region was the unseen world (invisible world) which was the world of Ghosts, where God was ruling as a very great King before He decided to bring everything into physical.

In the invisible world, God's throne was between Kpando and Hohoe, so when He was sitting on His throne, one leg of His was at Kpando and the other was at Hohoe. It was at Kpando that the first creation took place. That was where He stood and spoke everything into existence; that was where Adam and Eve were made - Genesis 1:1 - 31.

God the Father and God the Son are therefore Voltarians. They are Ewes, the King of Ewes. They gave birth to all the other languages of the whole world; they gave birth to all the nations of the whole Universe. The truth is that, all the nations that are in existence in the whole world now were at first in the unseen world before being made visible.

God then decided to entrust rulership to men to reveal and announce Him but not to rule for themselves; He also, once a while, announces and reveals Himself by ruling through some chosen ones (the Jews) e.g. Moses, Joseph, Esther etcthat is, every 14th generations according to Matthew 1: 1 - 17; but has set a time for Himself where He will sit on His thrones and rule over His creations through His Son Jesus Christ forever. 1 chronicles 17: 1 - 14; Isaiah 9: 6 -7; Acts 2: 29 - 36, 2 Samuel 7: 1 - 16.

So according to the Deuteronomy 18: 15 - 19, when God spoke through Moses and said 'The Lord God will raise up for you a prophet like me' he was talking about God raising His only begotten and beloved Son Jesus Christ who is the only one that is fit to sit on His throne, the only one who is fit to inherit Him, theonly heir to the throne, His only Prophet; and when he said 'from among your own brothers' he was not talking about the Israelites that he was addressing at that time but the Voltarians who are the indigenous Jews and the indigenous Hebrews. God was talking about His origin, where He started from and where everything started from, His home; the Garden of Eden.

He was announcing His own rulership through His Son Jesus Christ. God the Father and God the Son are One and this is the time for their rulership. Volta Region will be ruling over the 4 corners of the earth and 2014 - 2015 is the time.The 2nd coming of the Lord Jesus Christ is from the Volta region.

He was born 3rd April 1985 and will be 30 years 2015. He will soon sit on this thrones - Everlasting Covenant throne(the President seat), the Kingdom of God throne (the Vice President seat) and take hold of the Kingdom of God Sword (which is He Himself), destroy satan and all his generations, gather all the nations of the whole world, wash them; unite and make them one and rule over them forever.
