
How Satan’s Deception Mill Has For Close To Two Millennia Produced All These Many Christians (Part 5 Of 6)

Feature Article How Satans Deception Mill Has For Close To Two Millennia Produced All These Many Christians Part 5 Of 6
FEB 10, 2014 LISTEN

Satan, therefore, laid in wait for the coming of the Savior, determined to nib in the bud the plan of the Most High One for mankind's redemption. When the Savior was born, Satan put into motion schemes to torpedo the plan of the Most High One for mankind's salvation.

Very early in the day, Satan tried to kill the infant Savior in using Herod as his puppet. In trying to get rid of the Savior at his birth, Satan caused Herod to kill all Jewish babies born in the town of Bethlehem around the time of the Savior's birth. The Most High One hid His Son from Satan, and while he was roaring and murdering infants in Israel, He sheltered His Son from him in far away Egypt, only allowing his return from Egypt when Herod was dead.

Later, when the Savior had become an adult, Satan went on a campaign, determined to kill him personally. He tried deceiving him to cast himself down to earth from a pinnacle of the Temple at Jerusalem, after he had failed in two other ways to cause the Savior to disobey the Word of the Most High One.

Satan did not stop there! He continued to persevere in his plans to kill the Savior, hoping thereby, to stop the plan of the Most High One for mankind's salvation. Satan anointed many Jewish leaders to do his bidding to kill the Savior but they failed in all their attempts, because he always slipped through their hands!

Of course, Satan eventually got a mob of Jewish leaders and their children to kill the Savior. But then, the Holy Scriptures reveal that if Satan knew what the Most High One had sworn to do for the salvation of mankind and his deliverance from his (Satan's) grips by the sacrificial death of the Savior, he would not have killed him. And so, as it was to be, not long after causing the death of the Savior, Satan's folly dawned on him.

It dawned on Satan, mightily, that he had made a hero of the Savior—YESHUA—because the whole earth was soon to know this name as belonging to the only person ever raised back to life after being buried—and after three long days!

Yes, YESHUA had said before his death that he would resurrect from the dead on the third day after his burial to show proof as being the Savior of mankind. Now, Satan had witnessed all prophecies concerning the Savior become fulfilled to his face, and because he knew that whatever words YESHUA uttered while alive never failed to come true, he knew what he said about his resurrection would definitely come to pass.

This led Satan, in his folly, to scheme so as to introduce dark thoughts into the soon-to-come unstoppable resurrection of the Savior. Because he foresaw the faith that salvation seekers would come to have in the name YESHUA upon his resurrection, he tried to cloud the reasoning of mankind from accepting that the resurrection ever did happen. Satan said something like this: “Let's make sure the disciples of this man do not take his body out of the grave and fake his resurrection by such an act” (cf. Matthew 27:62-66)

Since Satan could not stop the resurrection of YESHUA, he schemed to make people refute it ever occurred. If he could cause mankind to doubt the resurrection of YESHUA, then mankind would also doubt all claims of the Savior as coming from the Most High One. Mankind would then have deemed to be lies whatever YESHUA had taught his followers, judged all his miracles as fake, and concluded that his name was unworthy of belief for salvation and that he never came from the Most High One. The name YESHUA would have been vilified beyond imagination and no one would ever have showed faith in it for one's salvation.

Immediately after the resurrection of the Savior, his disciples started to boldly proclaim his name—YESHUA HaMashiach—as being the only name under Heaven by which mankind must gain salvation, healing from all diseases, and freedom from Satan. Proof and demonstration of the power in the name YESHUA was simply captivating as cripples walked, sicknesses departed from bodies of men, and salvation came to mankind in and through this name.

When Satan saw he was not making any gains, he determined to kill any person professing and confessing the name YESHUA, thinking to put an end to the redemption of mankind from his grips. First century believers of YESHUA were, therefore, persecuted beyond measure and many of them were put to death, but to no avail as the name YESHUA continued to wrought miracles of healing and brought salvation to mankind from Satan's enslavement.

As Satan did all he could, and yet could not stop the YESHUA Movement—The People of The Way—from flourishing, he was ready to use his last trump card—deception, at full throttle. Very early in the day, Satan got his agents to quickly translate into Greek the New Covenant scriptures that had been inspired by the Holy Spirit and originally written in Hebrew, and, after that, did all they could to hide the Hebrew original! Satan was thus, later on, able to deceive theologians to believe that this Greek translation, the widely-known so-called Greek Textus Receptus, or the Received Text, was rather the original version of the New Covenant scriptures. But then, from whom was it received: one may ask?

The grounds for the coming of the so-called Greek Textus Receptus were prepared well before CE, when, between 280-170 BCE, work on the now well-known Septuagint Version, a Greek-translation of the Hebraic Old Covenant Holy Scriptures, was carried out. Later, in 400 CE, the Septuagint Version and the so-called Greek Textus Receptus were combined and translated into the Vulgate Version of Latin. The coming of the Vulgate opened the floodgates to all perversions of the Holy Scriptures ever since.

Many of today's students of the Bible accept that the Vulgate Version was rather a perversion of the Holy Scriptures, and that its coming, in fact, opened the floodgates to the mass corruption of the pure and holy Word of the Most High One that was originally delivered to mankind in the Hebrew language. This is because all the translators of the many other versions of the Bible, which have been published in the numerous languages of the world, derived their inspiration from the Vulgate.

There is, sadly, one big flaw of the Vulgate Version of the Bible that has been perpetuated throughout all other versions—the introduction of the name JESUS in replacement of YESHUA that translators originally found in the Hebrew Holy Scriptures. This multiplicity of error has resulted because all other translators following the Vulgate, mistakenly, judged it as an inspired work of the Holy Spirit of Elohim, and thus imbibed it, hook, line, and sinker!

This one flaw alone has rendered every version of the Bible devoid of all the power, necessary ingredients, fragrances, and flavors, intrinsic in the Hebrew Holy Scriptures, which, as Elohim's Word, was designed to bring salvation to sinners. By this one flaw, the Bible has been rendered eternally impure and, therefore, devoid of the true salvation message of the Most High One for the sinner. It is very sad that salvation seekers do not know this.

You see, the salvation message of the Most High One for the sinner is dependent on a number of truths, principal of which is the true name—YESHUA—of His Son, which He deemed important to have announced to the world by an angel from Heaven well before his birth.

Being able to enter the salvation of the Most High One is also dependent on one's knowledge and faith in all that is about the Savior's life as a human being on earth, his teachings, death, burial, and resurrection. Every salvation seeker MUST exercise faith in each and every one of these, before the Most High One can grant him His salvation.

In other words, if anyone is ignorant of any one of these truths of the Most High One about His Son, or fails to accept or does not exercise genuine and sincere faith in any one of them, then that person will never be permitted to enter His salvation—plain and simple. (---the concluding part to this article is in Part 6 of 6: Soon to be published).

The writer is an author and a bible expositor. Website:
