
Are Republicans Irrelevant?

Feature Article Are Republicans Irrelevant?
NOV 29, 2012 LISTEN

Not yet, but more so all the time. Can they stop the rot? Certainly, but it will take a solid move to the rational center, just as the Democrats are moving increasingly left. The Republican Party will need to be less narrow, less fanatical about positions that are unpopular - they must situate themselves better; not to appeal only to the uncompromising right-wing, but rather to a moderate majority of all parties around the center.

That means focusing on the rational, the pragmatic. Withholding abortion for rape and incest victims as some outliers pronounce is not rational. Being uncompromising on gay marriage is not where the majority is. Not finding a middle path on contraception in the face of an insane proliferation of more costly entitlements is just suicidal.

The Republicans and should simply declare that these contentious social issues will be left to either the 50 states to deal with or to a national referendum; and then walk away from these divisive and emotional politics.

The Red platform should rather focus on:
-Regenerating a vibrant, entrepreneurial and expanding economy

-Minimizing the myriad entitlements that pander to special-interests: thereby helping to pay off our crippling debts

-Expanding dramatically oil exploration and federal licenses to create an energy-independent USA

-Initiating American foreign policy without naiveté or compulsive pandering to our enemies. Carry a big stick but use it very sparingly - keep our friends close and our enemies far

-Taking the initiative, finally, on immigration. Seal the borders effectively and introduce reasonable pathways to work visas and ultimate citizenship for those here illegally but who have continued to show good citizenship for a sufficient number of years. Also, dramatically increase green cards for foreign students at our universities graduating in fields where we are in short supply; as well as for foreigners that set up and run businesses with 10 or more employees for a number of years; also for all professionals, entrepreneurs and workers that America needs

-Being the party of small government; encouraging financial independence, upward mobility and autonomy in the workplace

-Revamping the education system to reward great teachers and outstanding students, and ensuring parents have more say than the trade unions.

In all be tough but pragmatic, less ideological and more realistic. Be more inclusive with minorities, with the young, with women. A center Republican Party will be far more competitive, far more popular. Politics of the warring extremes is not fun anymore, if it ever was.

We want our country back, back in the middle.
Leslie J. Sacks
