09.06.2011 Feature Article

Who is more responsible ? corporate man or animals

Who is more responsible ? corporate man or animals
09.06.2011 LISTEN

Responsibility, courage and leadership dimensions are always interlinked and interdependent. Courage and leadership are the two children born to the parent responsibility. This is what the nature has shown and proven time and again. This is also true to the entire kingdom of animals except man. Why man is an exception? Why man is so different?

In many occasion, animals have shown great courage and leadership at the time of crisis or when they own responsibility. When the precarious young ones are attacked by the predators, parents, especially the mother animal, be it a deer or a squirrel or as small as a sparrow, gather courage to attack the predator however big the predator might be. In some occasions, the mother animal also has succeeded in chasing away the predator as big as lion or cheetah or jackal. How a deer could chase away a lion? a sparrow an eagle? In biology or in ethology (study of animal behaviour), such response pattern is called 'altruism'

Winning or loosing the battle is not the concern for these animals but they fight as they have to protect the young ones. The responsibility of protecting the offspring compels them to be bold enough to fight against much bigger enemy without weighing or analyzing the consequence of such an act. The sense of total responsibility in these animals only made them to be courageous leaders.

How human world conduct them when they are made responsible or total responsibility is invested on them? The best scenario to be compared is the life of employees in a corporate. How employees behave when responsibility is laid on them? Fear, doubt, apprehension, searching for a scapegoat, game of blame etc., are the most common emotional responses people would ventilate during such situation.

Responsibility always calls for quick and spontaneous decision power. One needs courage to take decision.

What is courage? The true definition of courage is nothing but freedom and independence one has in taking decision. What is freedom and what is independence? During every decision making process, human mind oscillate like a clock pendulum. It moves to the right and then to the left or move forward and then back ward. The mind goes backward to the experiences of the past and move forward to the implications of the future. Faster it goes to the left, so it comes to the right. When the mind toys between two extremes viz., a dead past and an un-born future, such mind is neither free nor independent. Such mind is filled with cowardice not courage. Such decisions never can be altruistic but can only be selfish and self-centric.

Responsibility have never given courage to man in corporate whereas, animals have always shown courage when they were responsible. The courage displayed by them was completely free from selfishness and the decision was truly altruistic in nature.

Let corporate man learn to be more responsible like animals.
