28.04.2010 Feature Article


28.04.2010 LISTEN

Our society is becoming interesting, as should always be the case. The way people have been strangely improvising to cater for terrible inconveniences is just baffling. When i talk of terrible i mean it! Terrible as in the situations at our public hospitals where anyone failing to take along a first aid kit is sure to miss an entire episode of his life.

The best stories and weirdest conversations , trust me, are sure to come your way at the hospitals. These are stories told by 'pain-bearing' hospital patients ,who, within a span of hours had propelled to the status of renowned story tellers.A compilation of the stories if made, could go for a good price.These are patients at the brink of death, who for no obvious fault of theirs have to keep their yowls constrained,waiting for a doctor who is just hours away from closing.What else do they have doing?So the stories go on and on ....

If there is anything Ghanaians have greatly excelled in, then, its what seems to be the endless waiting period patients have to give doctors. The novices in this act are easily tempted to leave the hospital premises only to return and meet an equally irritating situation smiling at their disappointed faces. The wealthy ones are fortunate to lay hands on other alternatives easily. Not as if the others have that less resources but they simply can't watch their NHI levy go down the drain

Sometimes, i wonder under whose threats we are able to boast of 'fairly' good public health care amidst all these inconveniences. I've not yet worn a doctors overall but I sure can tell how frightened they get upon seeing the multitude of miserable patients 'busily' waiting for them each day. In fact, its been realised that in most recent cases,patients leave doctors greatly dissatisfied. The patients feel the doctor started writing into their folder long before they began describing their conditions.That the check of temperatures and other physical examination had ceased. That the questions of''what else'' and ''any other problem''have died out.They always feel a little more minute would have done the magic

On another side too,by the time the much anticipated encounter between the patient and the doctor is due,the doctor would have been terribly stressed with the patient compounding undiagnosed diseases with exhaustion out of prolonged queuing. I've only been privy to situations in the big city and its my greatest wish not to know the plight of rural dwellers.

The entire frustration does nothing better than pushing patients,a muscle's contraction to natures irreversible phenomenom

Having shared in the plight of many an afflicted, I can only lament on our frustrations. Maybe i might be better enlightened in the consulting room one day(if there's ever time). Certainly, there is one thing i know for sure; if this situation proceeds in this direction,we will be seeing a terribly unfit population if not an extreme extinction oneday.

Samuel Oppong
[email protected]

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