
How to Massage Your Fingers To Get Rid of Cold, Sore Throat and Headache

Health & Fitness massage
JUL 2, 2015 LISTEN

Tired of feeling sick and run down? Below is some information as well as some tips and tricks to help relieve some of the symptoms that are commonly associated with colds and the flu. Acupressure is what is used to help provide the results and it is fast acting; only needing a few minutes at a time to help make things better.

This is something that you can do all on your own because you don't need to stick yourself with needles like Acupuncture calls for. Relax:

You need to be comfortable before you begin so be sitting down in a chair that you like; you should not cross your legs and you need to pay extra attention to your breathing, keep it perfectly even. Next make your hands warm by rubbing them together and then grab your opposite hand and place on your thighs. Start applying small amounts of pressure to the area of interest and just inhale and exhale the same throughout the whole process, even if you feel some pain. If you do happen to feel pain it should only be a small amount. What area to massage for what?

Cold- Massage the very tip of your thumb to help with a cold, doing this has proven to stimulate the throat and the nose which will then result in the relief with the problems such as swallowing, coughing and congestion in your nasal passages.

Sore throat – Same applies here as for the cold except you massage the lower portion of your thumb.

Pain in the sinuses- Having issues with sinuses can really dampen your day so to help massage the tips of any of your fingers except for your thumbs, the closer you go to your nail than the better you should feel. Be aware that doing this can increase the drainage of your mucous so have tissues near by.

Influenza- Placing some pressure on any of the pads of your fingers will do the trick. You will be able to feel your muscles relax and help bad toxins remove themselves from your body. Massaging the skin in between the toes is really helpful as well. Does acupressure help your body?

Acupressure has all kinds of different outcomes on the body, some of them are listed below:

  • Prevention – Apply regular pressure on the acupuncture points in order to help maintain a good healthy lifestyle. It can aid in the prevention and development of several diseases.
  • Diagnostic effect – If you experience a massive amount pain when applying pressure to certain areas than you could have a completely different issue going on.
  • Therapeutic effect – Performing acupressure on a regular basis can increase your overall health.

One of the most vital benefits of acupressure is the ability to relieve tension. With each massage your circulation will be improved as well as your flow of oxygen. The balance of your body will be back to normal and harmful substances from the body can be kicked out so your immune system remains protected. An ancient practice such as this should be tried by all Take a few minutes and pamper yourself and you will be thankful.
