
How to Travel the Smooth Road

By Dr. Joyce meyer
Religion & Spirituality devotion 9
MAR 19, 2015 LISTEN
devotion 9

On the road of life there are spiritual signs along the way. In order to stay under God's protection, you must obey these signs that tell you to trust Him and not worry. Don't be afraid; have courage. If you'll pay attention to these signs, you'll find it's easy to stay on course. You'll experience the protection, peace and joy that only God can provide.

However, if you fail to heed the signs, you may notice that the road seems a little bumpier than usual, and you aren't as confident in your ability as you once were. You may become anxious about the unknown things waiting around the corner, and even veer off the road.  

You and I don't need to be anxious because God wants to guard our paths and preserve our way. Why waste time ignoring His signs and becoming anxious when it isn't going to solve anything?  

Have an attitude of obedience, and when you see His signs, follow them. When you follow His instructions, you'll always arrive safely at your destination.

Prayer Starter: Holy Spirit, help me to see the spiritual signs that You've placed for me on the road of life. When I see them, I will obey them and follow You safely through life.

Proverbs 2:7-9
