
Fatherhood And Its Impacts On Children In Home, Church And Society

By Ferdinard Senyo Lawson, BEFFTA Award-Winning Author
Opinion Fatherhood And Its Impacts On Children In Home, Church And Society
JUN 15, 2014 LISTEN











The role of fatherhood is more than just financial responsibility. A father is not the one who just shares sperms around and breeding children all over the globe. Any father who refuses to sacrifice for his children is not a true father. However, it is clear some fathers has failed and are still failing in their roles as father and are not taking responsibility for their children. However, it is possible to say that, some fathers are doing very well by providing and supporting their wives in raising their children. As a father myself, I can easily say that, fatherhood is not easy.

It is the duties of a father to be able to provide physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs for his children. I am not a perfect father as there is nothing like that but, I try to create a family time out in the midst of my busy schedules to share quality time out with my two lovely children through activities and fun time, which I strongly have great impact in the lives of my children.

As growing child, I discovered that, my character and beliefs were actually shaped by my father's roles in my life. Therefore becoming a father myself, it is clear that, the character and the identity of my lovely children are being shaped by relationship I have and developed with them without a showdown of doubt.

This is actually impacting their ability to love and to trust others around them in society and improve their confidence and the way they see themselves. It is very important that, as fathers, we discover our sole duties in the home and then play them carefully to impact the lives of family. Our main roles are in five folds.

 To guide and bring direction to the home. (Gen 1. 26-28)

 To be the visionary and the leader of the family vehicle.

 Taking charge and ruling the household according to the principles of God.

 Providing for the family and working within sensible reason

 To be able to love the wife and demonstrate genuine unconditional love to his children

 To provide leadership to his family (James 1.5-8
Ephesians 5: 25-33, 1 peter 3:7
 To show affection to his wife
 To be able to set aside a quality time for the family

 To love the wife as Christ did
Proverbs 22:6
 T o train up his children in the way of the Lord
 Must be interested in the future of his children
 Establish discipline in the home
 He must love his children and must not be too strict on them

 Must bring correction to his children
 Must be able to provide the children's needs
 Must be a good example to his children
 Assist the children with their school home-work.
 Etc.....
 To bring and provide moral and spiritual direction and support to his family.

 Insist on the obedience to God's word. Gen. 2.15-17, 3:9, psalm 91

 To intercede and represent God before his family

 Must not be lazy but must pray daily for his family especially the children's future

 To be able to protect, provide, promote and invest in the spiritual growth of the family

 Must be able to teach the children how to read the bible and to pray.

Revelation 1:6
 Must be able to rule , command, administer judgement in mercy

 Must be bold enough to be decisive and not in-decisive about the direction of the family

 It is vital that, he remain stable in all his ways

 A father should be firm, fair and confident in his beliefs.

The most importantly, it is our duty as fathers to take our responsibilities to provide for our children. It is also vital that we acknowledge the great privilege given to us father to represent God in our family.

Ferdinard Lawson
Beffta Award-Winning Author
