25.01.2014 Health

BACK MASSAGE- The best way to relieve back pain

By Jemima Cobbold
BACK MASSAGE- The best way to relieve back pain
25.01.2014 LISTEN

Back pain is a pain that mostly originates from the muscles, bones, nerves joints or other structures in the spine. It is often caused by a muscle, tendon or ligament strain or it can also be triggered by bad posture from sitting wrongly or bending incorrectly and it happens to every 4 out of 5 adults. The commonest back pain is the lower back ache even though it can be felt anywhere along the spine, from the neck downwards to the hips and the pain can be mild or chronic, it can stay in one place or radiate to other areas like the arms, legs or feet. The pain may be sharp, dull ache, burning sensation (Heat) or piercing and it can be constant or not. Some symptoms are: stiffness, tingling, numbness, inability to stand straight.

Back pain is a common ailment; however, people get better within a few weeks through massages. Massage used to be considered as a luxury but with the health benefit of massage, it is now considered a more mainstream and often recommended by other medical professional. Massage is known to improve the excretion of endorphin which is the body's natural painkiller to help the body heal and restore itself. It also improves blood flow to tissues and organs to relieve muscular pain. While massages are pleasurable and therapeutic, it only helps to reduce pain and make it manageable for those with a very chronic pain conditions. Combining massage with other treatments, such as physical therapy and chiropractic produces best results. In addition, back massages, in combination with non-medical treatments, back exercises and good diet, ensures gradual pain relief.

Benefits of Back Massage Therapy
Research proves that massage therapy provides many important health benefits, including:

- Improvement in blood circulation in the body, which aids in the recovery of muscle soreness due to physical activity.

- Relaxation of muscles for an improved range of motion. Muscle relaxation also helps in the treatment of insomnia.

- Increased endorphin levels. The increase in endorphin levels is actually one of the greatest benefits of the massage therapy. Endorphins are body natural painkiller that lends a feel-good feeling, which is very effective in managing chronic pain.

- Removal of lactic acid from sore muscles to allow quick recovery.

- Relieve tension and increase in joint flexibility.

- It aids the birthing process in women making child birth easier and less time spend in the hospital during labor.

- Increases the flow of nutrients to muscles and joins to speed recovery from tiredness and injury

- Relieve tension and stiffness
- Decrease scar tissue and regenerate tissues
- Promotes better posture or body alignment
- Decrease chronic pain
- Promotes freedom of movement
It is important to ensure that precautions are exercised while receiving massage therapy. Your muscle should relax in response to the pressure applied by a massage therapist, in the absence of which, it is possible that muscles are inflamed. In such cases, you should not opt for back massages as a treatment option and consult your doctor for the treatment. Most muscle spasms require four massage treatments, usually spread over a four weeks period, to achieve best results. If muscle spasms do not respond to the neuromuscular therapy within two massages, try adding another therapy.

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